Wednesday, April 6, 2011

“The Greatest Benefactor”

Once you learn something new, your perception on what is going on around you is broadened.  When a child learns about crayons, they then recognize walls, doors and windows, and their potential to be great canvases. When one learns about trans fats and high fructose corn syrup, suddenly a nutrition label becomes daily reading material. When I started to think about the differences between killing in vain versus killing as a defender of humanity, I found myself in conversations about it constantly.  Discussing the death penalty and our judicial system with friends, or the laws of war with co-workers and even how we justify murder with a stranger.  It sounds deviant, but it is no different than learning about how ice cream is made and wanting to tell someone what you know.
It was my friend’s birthday the other day and we went to the bar to celebrate life, accompanied by car bombs (no pun intended) and jokes with an occasional current event. My friend Preston is a writer, therefore a debater. He was sitting next to this extremely odd guy and somehow they came across the topic of guns, murder and war. Preston likes to do this when he has been drinking, bring up a deep topic and see how far the conversation will escalate until I burst out in laughter at the other people’s ignorance.  I know you are probably reading this, thinking okay, get to the point, but to truly paint the picture you must be patient and observe the details. We were all feeling good when I overhear Preston and the strange fellow’s conversation.

Dude: “Ya man, I used to want to be a Navy Seal just for the reason that I wana kill people!”…“It may sound mentally ill man, but it’s true.  Being a Navy Seal would be awesome because it justifies murder.”

What did you say sir? Justifies murder? How so?

Karl Heinzen’s article “Murder” opened my mind up to a new way of thinking about the person holding the dagger.  Growing up we are taught that killing is wrong, but human history contradicts that philosophy. Our blood stained past and present is defined by murder, betrayal, and the glory that follows the victory over our “barbaric” enemy.  So, as a result, we have been conditioned to accept certain justifiable murders, whether it is one person or it is mass murder, and condemn the wrong murderers.
“No clear-thinking, rational person can accept the hair-splitting distinctions by which certain methods of obliterating the enemy are justified and other condemned; such distinctions rest on theological and legal fictions and do not in any way alter the facts of the matter, which are that in each case it is purely and simply a question of obliterating one’s enemy.” (Heinzen, 54)

Perhaps it is not the actual act of ending one’s life that is a crime, but the failure to end an immoral person’s life. Karl Heinzen stresses the point that the man who would not give up his own life for the satisfaction of ending a million barbarians’ lives is not a Republican (Heinzen 59).  Once murder is justified dependent on the morality of the enemy, everything is blurred.  The philosophy we were taught as children that killing is wrong is no longer a thought in our minds, but rather our thoughtis, is killing this particular person wrong.  Once we have accepted this thought, it will quickly turn into, is killing these particular people wrong.  Hence, “the greatest benefactor of mankind will be he who makes it possible for a few men to wipe out thousands (59).”  Once were have accepted justifiable murder, the only solution to prevent our enemies from destroying our system is to wipe them out as fast as possible. We have come so far in this moral acceptance, and now when you as an adult turn on the television and listen to stories of mass murder it hardly fazes you.  You do not feel that indignant pulse your once innocent mind would have felt. 
            So here lays the problem and the solution, the heroes and the villains, the Good and the Bad. If we are to defend the good, we must destroy the bad.  This is the new “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” This is the nothing new philosophy of the powerful, and the validation of the terrorist’s actions.  If everyone is using the same reason to wage war, when will the war be won? The nuclear bomb could very well be our world’s greatest benefactor, in a way it is keeping us still for a moment.  We have created that solution to our problem of bad.  A simple way to kill millions, but now even our barbaric enemies has gained control over this tool. This blurs the line even more.  According to Heinzen, the only choice we have is to either be murdered for freedom’s sake or murder for it (59).  This seems to be our enemy’s exact philosophy.  We call our murders victories, our deaths, sacrifices and their murders, terrorist acts, their deaths martyrs.  Their justification is not valid in our minds and eyes; so the laws of war continue to wage on and trump other laws of morality and ethics, for without this war, there would be no blood, and as time continues, it seems that our mother earth yearns for that blood.

Laqueur, Walter. ""Murder" by Karl Heinzen." The Terrorism Reader: a Historical Anthology. New York: New American Library, 1978. Print.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virgnia

Heard of them?

Neither have I.  My neighbor urged me to watch this documentary about a family from the mountains in good Ol West Virgina.

I have pretty strong opinions on the government "over looking" extreme poverty on US soil, while insisting on "helping" less fortunate peoples around the world. It is all a big spin. In the end, the important people do not give a *blank* about poor people, no matter their location.  Sure, they might get a check signed by the president himself, but that is not getting them anywhere but into more trouble, and possible expanding their hopeless DNA pool.

I am not being pessimistic, rather, open minded.

The people in the ghetto, the mountains, and the third world all have one thing in common... No incentive.

Why do you do what you do every single day? To get paid that cash money? To pay for that adrenaline rush? To eat food that is beyond your imagination good? To go on a fabulous vacation? Overall, these are all reachable goals because YOU have the tools to provide them for yourself. You have jobs, schools, a functioning police station... overall more tools for good than bad. When the only way to feed yourself is to get a government paycheck, get a dangerous, tiring, really hard job (ie. mining from this particular example) or flip drugs and weapons (barf don't get me started on small arms trade).

These people are literally cut off from our reality.  We walk different streets and have different thoughts fly out to the universe to mingle with the stars.

But, it doesn't have to stay that way.  Happiness is viral, and as the world awakens to globalization, more people  awaken to the blindness that the world has been offering. I know I wont stop trying to spread this smile that I carry, I need those smiles to carry me too.

That is all.

if you're interested

And readers, this iss a topic I would really like to talk about.. so comment.. so I can some more lol.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Current Reality

My Reality Is Bigger ThanYour Dreams Are

But why, Wayne?

The secret to life is to write your own story. Do it big. DO what makes you happy.  We live in a current reality, your current circumstance does not have to affect where you'll be in a year or any time frame.  I know this from experience.  Each year, each day, I create my reality.  I slip sometimes, I get weighed down by life's conditions, I am human.  But by visualizing what I want, and basing my decisions on how happy I am, I have been able to conquer feats like travel to the middle east and roller blade down a steep hill that runs into high street during rush hour.  

Today I took the day off from "reality" and toned into what makes me smile.  I succeeded.  I learned how to juggle.  I hit the fast pitch baseballs. I painted something colorful. I ate really good food. I created my reality, and damn was it enjoyable.  You see, I will never go hungry or be homeless because I will not let that happen.  My mind and my will are stronger than outside forces of my environment.  

That said, I will leave you with a quote by Albert Einstein,

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”

Friday, February 25, 2011


My bubble has burst. While I entertained Indonesia quite well, others did not.  I have one on one consulted my people and pretty much all of them told me to bow out. BooGoo has my back, but only after she begged me not to go. lol, no worries mamac, I am unfortunately stuck here for now. 

Indonesia, you done missed out!

Some Cool Stuff

people have sent me this stuff lately... so now I shall pass it on toooooooooo

just purchased my own T to make a public stand against senate bill 5, ya mean? Here is a little something to educate you on what senate bill 5 is. Alsooooo........... an app... for my phone so that I can download free music. Oh, and the reason I even wrote this: 

I am about to about to eat a free burrito

Sha Bang A Bang!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Reason To Be Back

Oh I have so many. But today, today I experienced that notorious edge that we like to talk about, the tipping point. I own this here Thursday, and its not even the end of "the work day."

So what is so awesome?

Well first off, I started my day with an hour of ass kicking. Is there a better confidence booster? Nah.

Afterwards I had a meeting to tell me that I am wanted in Indonesia. LOL @ me in Indonesia. I mean, I know I am always blabbing about politics in Indonesia and who doesnt think Bali is gorgeous? hahaha But to actually be writing in Indonesia for a month, staying on the Island of Java (the worlds most populous island, fyi) my heart keeps skipping beats.

Yogyakarta City
Java Island, Indonesia

Yogyakarta City is old. It was built around several temples that date back thousands of years and the city was part of the Mataram Dynasty,1575 and 1640.... You all know I love old stuff that people used to use. Jerusalem was the ultimate treasure to see, but Indonesia has lots of history to offer too, as well as lots of modern developments that will be satisfying to look into. 

Ill be staying at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, the countries oldest college. While there I will be directly observing multiple development projects and from there gather my own information during field work on the Indonesian version of development. So basically, I will be writing a lot. 

Hence, the title of this post. 

Now that the hard part is over, I got start stacking some cash.  I cant wait until I start to get paid for doing work. 

When does that start??

So now, I am sitting here, thinking about ways to make money... downloading new mixtapes ( which, btw,  if you are a hip hop fan and haven't downloaded J. Cole "Friday Night Lights" and/or all of Wale's mixtapes.... get on that, please.) 

My readers, if you have any ideas to help me raise 5400 dollars in a month, holla. 
And no, I wont strip for it. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt in Da House

So, quite a few of my friends and family have asked me what I think about Egypt in the last 2 days. A couple of people even called me just to ask. I said a brief word or two, but nothing significant. I suggested a few things, but I don’t think I gave anyone a good reply. I can sum it up in 3 words, bound to happen. It is actually quite calming to me, and reassuring. This revolution is satisfying to me because it shows the potential of the people. When enough is enough, ya know. It can get depressing to know what goes on somewhere, and the people suffering are too weak to demand better. I actually read a book last month, a collection of memoirs from Egyptian women… and let me tell you, it was depressing. Knowing statistics, visiting as a tourist… these encounters did not help me to feel the pain, but reading the words of another, feeling her soul hurt, that got me. So, when someone asks me how I feel about the situation in Egypt , I say I don’t know but I hope it is a domino effect.

But I am no expert, haha.

My good pal Damon sent me this video: