Monday, August 16, 2010

What Are We Not Accounting For?

Truth... what would we do without it? Live in Bliss? Or live with false Hatred?

When something one once thought was the truth is debunked so elegantly, how does one cope?

The Anniversary of 9/11 is coming up rather quickly.  In preparation for mourning, one must understand what exactly they are sad about.  Lost lives is only the brink of my heart break when it comes to 9/11.  9 years after the tragedy, questions still pour through my mind. How could our sufficient government and military let something like this occur? Why would anyone want to harm lives of innocent people? What could motivate such an act? When will people not be okay with the shady story that is written in the history books?

I stumbled upon many documentaries made by people like me who had the thirst for the truth, my thirst has never, in 9 years, been quenched.  Conspiracy theories to "facts", I still did not understand the answers to my questions.  9 years since the tragedy that claimed roughly 2,976 lives on that day, and still it is affecting the lives of many innocent beings today.

I recently found a documentary made by Dylan Avery, a 26 year old guy from NY, that changed my perspective entirely.  I encourage all that mourn the lives lost on 9/11/2001 to educate themselves further on what exactly happened on that day. 

It is up to us to write history, it is up to us to shape society.  We do NOT have to stand by and watch hatred spread, or settle for what is spoon fed to us.  It is up to us and only us to find the truth.  Please do not settle for what you are told, don't listen to me, don't listen to Dylan Avery, look, find, examine, and develop.  ONLY then will those lost lives be avenged.

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