My Reality Is Bigger ThanYour Dreams Are
But why, Wayne?
The secret to life is to write your own story. Do it big. DO what makes you happy. We live in a current reality, your current circumstance does not have to affect where you'll be in a year or any time frame. I know this from experience. Each year, each day, I create my reality. I slip sometimes, I get weighed down by life's conditions, I am human. But by visualizing what I want, and basing my decisions on how happy I am, I have been able to conquer feats like travel to the middle east and roller blade down a steep hill that runs into high street during rush hour.
Today I took the day off from "reality" and toned into what makes me smile. I succeeded. I learned how to juggle. I hit the fast pitch baseballs. I painted something colorful. I ate really good food. I created my reality, and damn was it enjoyable. You see, I will never go hungry or be homeless because I will not let that happen. My mind and my will are stronger than outside forces of my environment.
That said, I will leave you with a quote by Albert Einstein,
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