Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Layla's Advice On Life...

It is funny how much one little inkling of anxiety, one little tug at the tummy... one little ounce of fear can shape and transform a being.  Fear commands even the strongest to lay down and tremble.  Fear can make even the most determined take a break from their high stride.  It is interesting to me to sit back and count all my fears... You may say I am only afraid of death, or maybe being alone or even the dark.  But when you really sit back and dive deeper into yourself you will find that every action you have made, every word that has come out of your mouth, was at some point touched by fear.  When I reflect, I see it everywhere. The way my parents raised me, christian schooling and forced beliefs, the filled voids by past courage, the psychoanalysis of the way I react, and that even the smallest fear I had when I was 8 will forever affect me the decisions I make as an adult.  I think present day, the fear of paying one bill too early because another may come, or giving up my work shift to go to a concert, the fear of speeding to get somewhere on time or the fear of maybe another human being not liking me... But the future is what I am most concerned about.  The future is what we have most control over.  Yes, our past and present decisions affect the future.  Yes we must acknowledge this in order to create a stable future for ourselves... but could fear of the future be affecting our present day decisions that in turn hinder our future?  This concern of mine, this is what causes me to make decisions like to call off to go to that concert, or to save up every penny I have to buy a ticket to Egypt, to buys books, sell those books so I can buy more books.  To watch documentaries on my Saturday night off work, to go out on a Tuesday, to take a self defense class, to eat ice cream when all I want is ice cream.  Fear cannot and will not be a factor in my future.

 I want what is good and right in this world, which most have given up on before they are even introduced to the possibilities.  Who says we have to always answer to someone?  The world is a scary place, take a break from FOX news and its 24 hour feed of Lindsey Lohan and read the opinion column from small newspapers around the world.  Gain some perspective.  Get an idea, and do something.  Life is not about being stuck in a monotonous trap where you do the same thing every week, you eat the same sandwich for lunch because you know it is good, you drink the same beer because you know it gets you drunk... Life is about taking and giving.  Trying new and creating new.  If you stick to the same comfortable routine, how can you possibly become innovative?  Without that spark, how to you stay happy? Self-loathing is NOT happiness... it is a way to cope with "life."

I am blessed and cursed by being born and raised in America.  Blessed in countless ways.  I am more fortunate than most souls on this planet in the materialistic, human needs sort of way.  But when it comes to developing a purpose, to becoming an adult and escaping that fear that children have engraved in them to keep them safe... well... This is where America lacks.  Our system is flawed in ways that we become lost in our own belongings.  We lose sight of what and who we are.  Why we are..... How we are.  There is no mark between child and adult.  We have a drinking age that signifies respect... but then these children just get thrown into a vice in which they can justify not feeling a purpose, rather than having to go out and seek a purpose.  And believe me, there is plenty to get done.

But don't listen to me, listen to Layla... she knows what is up.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rain? I Can't Complain.

Rain drops hurled themselves at my car as I squinted to see through the wet windshield. I haven’t seen or felt rain this angry in a while. I thought about pulling over; I don't really trust man-made objects in combatant with nature, but I continued to drive forward, into the storm, to visit my best friend and her family. I am not one to let my "environment" obstruct my goals. Vehement thunder and incensed lightening provided quite the soundtrack to my blurry vision. I thought about how dirty the streets were before the rain washed them clean. How cloudy my mind once was driving before I actually had to pay extreme attention to the road.
Fear can wake a person up. Fear can make a person hide. Fear can justify extremities, validate simplicity, or intensify curiosity. Many people on the road today acted differently to this fierce tsunami like storm. Some pulled off to the side of the road and waited for the rain to soften and the lightning to calm. Others drove the usual speed limit or faster to rebel against the weather. Some, like me, drove about 10 under the speed limit, and paid attention to our surroundings in order to reach our destination in a safe and timely manner. This reaction by people is not unique to this situation. I find in all my daily obstacles strangers react in one of 3 ways.

Rain is lovely to me. It is the substance in which life is created and maintained pouring down onto the filth and corruption we have created and maintained. A sense of renewal is brought with a storm like today. But it also showers onto the beauties of the world we have not yet succeeded in ruining. My hike through El Yunque in Puerto Rico revived this idea. The hike was long and hot, but so rewarding once I reached the top and drank fresh, clean, life giving rain water. It was at the top of the mountain, knee deep in rain water that I was able to appreciate everything my senses had just witnessed.
Nobody ever wants to get wet. Even me, today once I reached my destination, I sat in my car deciding whether or not I wanted to wait to get out and venture to the house. I looked in my mirror to see Sarah walking to my car with a huge umbrella and a relieved smile wiped across my face. My thoughts wrapped up while Sarah and I shared an umbrella and walked through the muddy puddles that were slowly draining into the sewer. After all, it is about appreciation and relationships with others who are also experiencing life

Monday, July 12, 2010


The world got me down over the past 2 days.

People do this thing to me... this thing I say because no word can define.  They break my heart, make me lose hope, and with this comes the drive- the motivation (inshalah).

I needed to cheer up, so I asked people to give me a word and I wrote a quick rhyme with the word.

Enjoy, or so I did.


Shannon Is Always A Bit Deeper Than The Average Bear


Take a Chance
Learn to Belly Dance
Visit the Capital of France
Get lost in a Hypnotic Trance

There is more than what you see At First Glance
You dont have to stick to the same Ol Stance
Life sometimes is just a Game of Chance
Not just a line at the Cash Advance
You got to Break Dance!

Dont settle, or belittle your potential growth- its up to your maintenance- sustenence.


Billy Gibson says, Cup
That's whats up!

I look to my pup
she is drinking tea from a cup
while watching the world cup...
nah, I give up

So He Is Impressed... Xylophone He Says... I Accept The Challange

Thats  a tough one, lemme postpone
any plans I had of my own
Attack this word, I may need a wish bone

Lets pretend we live in Seirra Leone,
Just for a minute use your imagination like a stepping stone
we be living in a tropical zone
where there aint no rosseta stone

Good thing I got verizon with no Drop Zone,
Can you hear me now? i say on my new phone
Yea Nick, you hear my sassy tone?
now, I got to go take a vitamin, flintstone.

I Asked My New Roommate Nick To Give Me The First Word That Came To Mind...


You cant rhyme anything with canary!
Oh, but on the contrary!

Some may think I am a fairy,
but really I am just the niece of a lady named Sheri.
I have probably spent too much time in Lake Erie,
that nuclear waste is very scary
the type that makes the wrong genes marry
creating 3 eyed fish that the governement has to bury

Or maybe I am a saint like the virgin mary
this may make you feel a bit wary...
especially if I start speaking Azeri
Make you need a dictionary

Sometimes I feel like I reside in a prarie
drinking too much scotch like my boss Larry
starting to see things like tom and jerry
Somone call the doctor I am a bit too merry!

see nick.. my brain is anything but airy! HA!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sweet Slumber

It's late,
and I have to wake up early.
Move in to my new apartment,
is this my biggest problem?

It's late,
and I cant close my eyes.
There is too much avaliable for me to read,
is this my biggest problem?

It's late,
and I cant put my computer away,
Too many means of communication and information.
is this my biggest problem?

Freedom is my biggest problem?  Taking the weight of the world and carrying it on my back? Hardly.  I hardly do this at all. It is late, I should go to bed, I want to go to bed, but I need not.  All of the above are my biggest problems, they create and at the same time destroy this reality in which I live. You too.  So my friend, what are we do?

A Good Life Lived...

There are days when the world simply breaks my heart.  Days when I cannot stand the people on this planet, because they show very convincingly that they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, or their class of people... whether it be blatant racism, or the sickening degradation of women, I have a hard time stomaching the injustice. 

I had a conversation this morning about leading by example with someone I care about dearly.  I stated all of my reasons for this view, and  how it works, how it doesn't work etc etc... but as the day went on, I sunk deeper and deeper away from this enlightened point of view, and more towards indignant. I read news articles, experts from various books, watched the documentary "For Neda" and listened to my best friend and her brother recap what ended to be a horribly violent and racist filled evening for the two of them.  I was not looking for the worlds evils, they crept up on me... in a way maybe, to remind me that they need attention, rather than an example. I lay here, with my mind flying through realms of thought, all negative and all sickening.

But like the conversation ended this morning... once one gives up on humanity, one gives up on oneself...

A quote that  I read once by Friedrich Nietzsche is pacing through my brain..."No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant."

Saturday, July 3, 2010


How it twists and turns
loops, and circles
jumps and bounces
hides and stalks

Never predictable
even when one may feel stagnant
it will sneak up on you
surprise you
jolt you
remind you who is boss

Oh how I love this elusive quest for the meaning of life...
the ride, so beautifully stunning
heart wrenching
utterly confusing
and for the ill hearted,
selfishly boring