Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Good Life Lived...

There are days when the world simply breaks my heart.  Days when I cannot stand the people on this planet, because they show very convincingly that they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves, or their class of people... whether it be blatant racism, or the sickening degradation of women, I have a hard time stomaching the injustice. 

I had a conversation this morning about leading by example with someone I care about dearly.  I stated all of my reasons for this view, and  how it works, how it doesn't work etc etc... but as the day went on, I sunk deeper and deeper away from this enlightened point of view, and more towards indignant. I read news articles, experts from various books, watched the documentary "For Neda" and listened to my best friend and her brother recap what ended to be a horribly violent and racist filled evening for the two of them.  I was not looking for the worlds evils, they crept up on me... in a way maybe, to remind me that they need attention, rather than an example. I lay here, with my mind flying through realms of thought, all negative and all sickening.

But like the conversation ended this morning... once one gives up on humanity, one gives up on oneself...

A quote that  I read once by Friedrich Nietzsche is pacing through my brain..."No man lies so boldly as the man who is indignant."

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